Did you know that we effectively spend 1/3 of our entire lives in our bedroom? That is why we try to make our bedrooms as nice as possible. In order to make our bedrooms TRULY our own,
we buy a bed frame that suits us.
HOWEVER, we don’t always get what we really want…
Here are five bed frame types that you’d get to encounter in life
Your Childhood Bed frame
When you were young, you wanted to get your own room. After pestering your parents, they finally conceded and started to organise your would-be lair. One of the exciting things about getting your own room is buying your very first bed frame. Your parents felt generous and allowed you to choose the bed frame that you want (at a pre-approved price range). The kid in you got so excited, that you chose the colourful wooden bed frame with the etched superhero logo or that cutesy pink princess bed frame to fulfill a royal fantasy. Mum and Dad wanted something more practical, but “NO I WANT THAT ONE!!!” And you did get that “cool” bed frame.
HOWEVER … Little did you know that there’s no escaping that kiddie-cool bed frame.

I’m cool like Spidey!”
Your parents aren’t forking over money to buy you a new one. You live with it. It makes you dread sleepovers and it totally kills the mood when your special someone visits your room …
Nan’s bedframe.
The Curbside Bed
You just got out of high school and you’re moving to your out-of-campus dorm for Uni. Mum and dad gave you some “moving” money but you splurged it all in the pub instead of buying your dorm essentials. Your mate said “let’s just go picking! We can go to one of those posh streets or something”… Sounds like a good idea at the time – after all – people do leave out really cool stuff at the curb. So you go picking and and you do get to see a bed frame… Ooh! its upholstered… BINGO!
When you got home and started putting it together … you notice odd stains in the headboard … and weird cracks in the base (like it was hit by something blunt) …
“Its nothing!” you say.
“Beggars can’t be choosers” you say.
So there you are, enjoying your curbside bed and telling yourself how smart you were to just go picking … Then your housemate (who is studying Forensic Science) informs you that those odd stains in the headboard are actually dried, splattered blood …
The Freebie
You finally graduated from Uni and you decided to move out of your mum’s basement and live on your own. You found this spectacular city apartment. Though it’s kinda small and eats most of your pay BUT the owner said “you can have that bed frame”.
But you remember that old bed frame that you picked up.
So you asked all these questions like “did someone die in the room?” and other weird questions that kinda freaked your landlord out. He said “Don’t worry. Its cool. The old bloke who rented left it ‘coz it couldn’t fit the Uhaul”.
You gave a sigh of relief.
So you’ve moved in and everything went well. But you keep hitting your knees in the frame plus the slats keep on breaking. Oh yeah — only you can fit in it, even if it’s a double bed ‘coz the bed kinda leans and makes this really weird breaking sound.
The Econo Bed
You finally decided to buy your own bed frame.
Picked by you.
You made your research and you found something online! But you checked your bank … and you’re pretty much broke at this point.
While you were walking down the street, you see this factory with all these red banners screaming: CLOSING DOWN SALE! HUGE MEGA SUPER DUPER SALE! Oh joy!
You picked this timber bed frame that’s simple, chic and classic. You even got free delivery!
But …

You gave up and set all the parts on fire
Having a good bed frame is really important. The bed frame sets the vibe of your room. It also supports your mattress when you sleep. You deserve a good bed frame.
At BEDWORKS, we hold a range of stylishly designed, finely crafted bed frames that is lght on the pocket and absolutely easy to assemble. Here are some of our super stylish bed frames that can suit any vibe and budget. No catch – just really good bed frames.
Here are some good samples.
THE CARSON CUSTOM TIMBER BED FRAME is a finely built timber bed frame with a versatile design that suits all ages. Featuring a simple headboard and foot end, the Carson has a truly timeless look for a bed frame. Whether you’re a young kid choosing his first bed frame or an adult wanting to upgrade, the Carson timber bed frame is sure to suit you and will continue being cool for all the years to come. Get the Carson by clicking here.
THE EMPIRE TIMBER BED FRAME features a stylish traditional design of a bed frame. Flaunting a classic look of flat wooden rails in the head board and a simple sturdy frame, the Empire is sure to remain stylish even after fifty years! Its compact design makes it a great addition to any space, big or small. Get the Empire Timber Bed Frame by clicking here.
THE FELICIA CUSTOM TIMBER BED FRAME is beautifully designed that features a framed upholstered head board and a simple, a sturdy timber base and a low foot end. Its design makes it a sophisticated but still practical choice at the same time. Get the Felicia Custom Timber Bed Frame by clicking here.
THE JERVIS CUSTOM LOW TIMBER BASE features a modern design that’s built to fit small areas. Presenting a low platform design, the Jervis makes a simple yet attractive base that instantly gives character to any room. As it uses a straight forward design, it is therefore easy to assemble – even by yourself! Get the Jervis Custom Low Timber Base by clicking here.
THE BRONTE UPHOLSTERED BED FRAME WITH 2 DRAWERSis a stylish and functional bed frame that brings an ultra-luxurious vibe to any room. The Bronte is upholstered using an exquisite light beige material that makes this a match to any interior. Its head board features pin-cushion embellishments and comes with built-in, fully-assembled drawers in its foot end for added versatility and function. Get the Bronte Upholstered Bed Frame by clicking here.
Whether you’re looking for your first bed frame or you’re wanting to upgrade, BEDWORKS got you covered.
TALK TO US TODAY and see how we can help you. Our in-store team of friendly, bed frame experts can give you the help that you need in making that bed frame investment. Visit our online store www.bedworks.com.au to see our full line of bed frames!
This post is intended to give interior design and bed frame style ideas and do not in any way lay claim to the interior design or bed frame styles mentioned unless otherwise stated. Photo credits: istockphoto.com